Brian Thorstad

Brian Thorstad

Church Health Consultant


Church Health
Church Revitalization
Leadership Caoching

Ministry Locations:


Brian Thorstad, Church Health Consultant

Brian has held a deep passion for healthy churches ever since the first evangelical church he was a part of experienced an ugly split. His zeal for churches that not only get along but are joyfully turning unbelievers into devoted followers of Jesus, grew steadily through several decades of church planting and pastoral ministry.

In 2003, the Thorstads felt led to leave their long-term pastorate in the suburban Milwaukee area and launch out into redevelopment transitional (interim) ministry. Fifteen years, seven transitional pastorates, two books (Heaven Help Our Church! and Redevelopment: Transitional Pastoring That Transforms Churches), and ten moves later, Brian felt that God had used all he had learned and experienced to prepare him for church consulting ministry. This led to his work as the Church Leadership Catalyst with the Forest Lakes District of the Evangelical Free Church of America, and now, to a consulting ministry with CAM.

Brian’s personal, heartfelt mission is helping churches thrive. He is able to help solo, senior, and interim pastors with several types of coaching and consulting as well as revitalization leadership training by way of Becoming Effective Leaders (BEL) groups of 3-8 pastors. BEL group participants meet monthly for nine months and gain personal leadership and church revitalization skills in the context of close relationships.

Brian also loves to help church boards and staff to thrive by way of board member training, strategic planning training and facilitation, transition counseling, and coaching, as well as pastor search committee training and coaching.

Brian regularly helps congregations thrive by way of comprehensive assessments, preaching and teaching, seminar presentations, and conflict mediation.

Brian Thorstad’s ministry associated with CAM: